Opportunities to Serve
Welcome Corps Greeters: Friendly faces are needed to serve at the Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings. Using SignUpGenius, it's fast and easy! Please click on the link below or scan the QR code and find a date that works for you.
After you sign-up, you will receive an email reminder three days before your scheduled date. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Fellowship Committee.
Fellowship Time Hosts: Hosts are needed each week to attend the beverage counter in Boll Hall and clean up when done. Two hosts each Sunday help at the counter after worship, and stay for approximately 45 minutes. To choose a Sunday, click the link or scan the QR code.
Donate Fellowship Time treats: consider donating treats in celebration of an event or special day. Items can be sweet or savory!
Join the Fellowship Activities Committee! Be an integral part of the fun and fellowship at FPCN.
For any questions or help about any of these opportunities, contact the Fellowship Committee.